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Personal prevention and control of outbreaks of  corona virus disease  2019


  1. Department of Laboratory Medicine,  Jiangmen People's Hospital, Jiangmen 529000,  China
  • Online:2020-02-20 Published:2020-03-24
  • Contact: Correspongding author: Chen Yantian, Email:

Abstract: Corona virus disease  2019 (COVID19) outbreaks in China.  Because of the sudden outbreak,  rapid development,  large scale of the epidemic and the lack of specific drug treatment,  all provinces and cities of our country have launched the firstlevel response mechanism for major public health emergencies,  which has attracted the attention of  World Health Organization(WHO). This article discusses the prevention and control measures combined with clinical experience during the outbreak of  COVID19  to provide a reference for people from all walks of life.

Key words: COVID19, public health event; , vaccine, antiviral drug, epidemic