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Bioinformatics analysis of differential genes and potential therapeutic  drugs in primary Sjgren's syndrome


  1. a. Department of Laboratory Medicine;  b. Department of General Practice, 
    Panjin Liaoyou Gemstone Flower Hospital,  Panjin 124010,  China
  • Online:2020-06-20 Published:2020-05-18
  • Contact: Corresponding author: Chen Jia, Email:

Abstract: Objective  To screen genes associated with primary Sjgren's syndrome (PSS) and potential small molecule therapeutic drugs by gene expression profiles. Methods  The expression profiles of three PSS related genes were obtained and analyzed in GEO databaseto obtain differentially expressed genes.Furthermore,GO and KEGG enrichmentanalysiswere carried out on the differential genes, andthehub genes of PSS were screened and verified by PPI. Finally, CMAP database was used to predict the potential therapeutic drugs of PSS, and the role of potential drugs in PSS treatment was discussed in combination with drug targets and drug pathways. Results  A total of 90 PSS related differential genes  were identified, including 79 upregulated genes and 11 downregulated genes, which were mainly involved in NODlike receptor signaling pathway, Influenza A and  cytokinecytokine receptor interaction  pathway. In addition, through screening and verification, 19hub genes (STAT1, MX1, ISG15, IFIH1, GBP1, IFIT1, XAF1, RSAD2, IFIT2, SAMD9L, TRIM22, IFIT3, IFI44L, HERC5, IFIT5, IFI44, IFI6, RTP4 and ISG20) were identified, most of which were interferoninduced genes. Interferon may play an important role in the pathogenesis of PSS. Finally, 15 candidate drugs such as fluticasone and cloxacillin were selected through CMAP database, and their action pathways and targets were analyzed.Conclusion  In this study,through the screening of PSS  hub genes and candidate drugs,we can further getanin  sight into the pathogenesis of PSS and the studyprovides clues for thefurther study of PSS.

Key words: Sjgren's syndrome, biological information, differential gene