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Analysis of clinical and epidemiological characteristics of a cluster case of COVID-19  patients


  1. Department of Infectious Diseases,  the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University  School of Medicine, 
    State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases,  National Clinical Research Center
    for Infectious Diseases,  Collaborative Innovation Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, 
    Hangzhou 310003, China
  • Online:2020-10-20 Published:2020-09-04
  • Contact: Corresponding author: Yang Yida, Email:

Abstract: Objective  To analyze the clinical manifestations and epidemiological characteristics of a cluster case of COVID19 caused by a large religious gathering  in Zhejiang, and to strengthen the awareness  of  the clustering and outbreak epidemic of the COVID19 infection,  so as to effectively control its spread. Methods  21 cases of pneumonia  in the clustered incidence of COVID19 in Zhejiang from January to February 2020 were collected and the clinical and epidemiological characteristics were analyzed  retrospectively. Results  All 21 patients were middleaged and elderly women,  aged (58.94±7.45) years,  10(47.6%)  had basic diseases,  only one patient was diagnosed as a severe case,  and the rest were mild cases, and no patients died during this period. The most common symptoms at the time of onset were fever (19 [90.5%]),  cough (15[71.4%]),  sputum (9[42.8%]),  rare symptoms included fatigue (1[4.7%]),  diarrhea (1[4.7%])  and headache (1[4.7%]),  the median time from exposure to disease onset was 7(311.5)  days.  At admission,  albumin  decreased  in  57.14%(12/21),  sodium  decreased in 42.85%(9/21),  urea nitrogen  decreased in  38.09%(8/21),  and lymphopenia  decreased  in  28.57%(6/21). 14.28%(3/21) of patients had decreased potassium and leukocytes. In addition,  patients with elevated blood glucose, Creactive protein,  serum lactate dehydrogenase and transaminase accounted for 61.90%(13/21), 61.90%(13/21), 33.33%(7/21)  and  23.80%(5/21), respectively. All patients had abnormal changes in lung CT examination at admission,  and the  imaging findings were mostly bilateral lung infections with ground glass/spotlike changes. Conclusion  The onset of this cluster case is mainly among  elderly women. Group aggregation can lead to the spread of COVID19,  and the elderly people are more susceptible. Largescale gatherings should be restricted during unusual periods to reduce personnel mobility and contact,  thus contributing to disease control.

Key words: COVID19, cluster incidence, epidemiological study