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  1. 1.坦桑尼亚莫西比利卫生保健医科大学及Abbas医学中心,坦桑尼亚 达累斯萨拉姆 21361;2.石家庄市第二医院 a.糖尿病检查中心;
    b.糖尿病足科,河北 石家庄 050051;3.解放军第306医院 全军糖尿病诊治中心,北京 100101
  • 出版日期:2017-08-05 发布日期:2017-08-10
  • 通讯作者: 通信作者:刘荣梅,Email: lrm6222@163.com
  • 作者简介:Zulfiqarali G. Abbas,坦桑尼亚莫西比利卫生保健医科大学及Abbas医学中心顾问医师、糖尿病及内分泌专家。现任非洲糖尿病足联盟主席、国际糖尿病足工作组委员、国际糖尿病足工作组非洲区主席、糖尿病足管理与预防的国际共识与实践指南委员会委员、执行糖尿病足共识专责小组代表,欧洲糖尿病研究协会糖尿病足研究组的创始成员。Email: zabbas@catsnet.com

Epidemiological investigation in recent 20 years and status analysis of diabetic foot in Africa

  1. 1. Abbas Medical Center, Muhimbili University of Health & Allied Science, Dar es Salaam  21361,Tanzania;
    2a. Diabetes Check Center;  2b. Department of Diabetic Foot,Shijiazhuang Second Hospital,
    Shijiazhuang  050051,China; 3. Diabetes Center, 306 Hospital of  PLA,Beijing 100101,China
  • Online:2017-08-05 Published:2017-08-10
  • Contact: Corresponding author: Liu Rongmei,Email: lrm6222@163.com

摘要: 近20年来,全球2型糖尿病发病率总体呈上升趋势,糖尿病足作为危害公众健康的主要并发症之一,发病率占到40%~60%。周围神经病变和下肢血管病变是影响糖尿病足预后的两大因素。与非洲国家糖尿病足的发病率相比,发展中国家和发达国家更高,形势也更加严峻。由此,Abbas教授联合坦桑尼亚及印度发起了Step By Step足病康复项目,取得了丰硕的成果。随后此项目逐渐在全球得以开展,它的成立为人类足病康复事业做出了巨大贡献。

关键词: 糖尿病足, Wagner分级, Step By Step项目

Abstract: The incidence of  type two diabetes (T2DM) is great increasingly year by year. Diabetic foot as one of the most important complications of diabetes, which incidence is about 40%~60%, can lead to the serious public health problems. And the situations of diabetic foot in Africa is much worse than other developing and developed countries. So Dr ZG. Abbas established the first foot clinic in Tanzania and the project of Step By Step has been developed in global regions from the origin of Tanzania and India, which has made great contributions for human beings.

Key words: diabetic foot, Wagner classification, Step By Step