临床荟萃 ›› 2025, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 65-69.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2025.01.010

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陈哲宇1, 何倩倩2, 郭小冬2, 王环环3, 杨艳丽1,3(), 阿赛古丽1   

  1. 1.西北民族大学,甘肃 兰州 730000
    2.甘肃中医药大学,甘肃 兰州 730000
    3.中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九四〇医院 病理科,甘肃 兰州 730000
  • 收稿日期:2024-08-21 出版日期:2025-01-20 发布日期:2025-01-17
  • 通讯作者: 杨艳丽,Email:a06974723@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Small cell lung carcinoma with multiple cutaneous metastases as the initial presentation: A rare case report

Chen Zheyu1, He Qianqian2, Guo Xiaodong2, Wang Huanhuan3, Yang Yanli1,3(), A Saiguli1   

  1. 1. Northwest Minzu University,Lanzhou 730000,China
    2. Gansu University of Chinese Medicine, Lanzhou 730000,China
    3. Department of Pathology,The 940 Hospital of the Joint Logistics Support Force of the Chinese People's Liberation Army,Lanzhou 730000,China
  • Received:2024-08-21 Online:2025-01-20 Published:2025-01-17
  • Contact: Yang Yanli,Email: a06974723@163.com


目的 探讨以皮肤多发转移灶为首发表现的肺小细胞癌的临床意义及病理表现。方法 回顾性分析1例以皮肤多发转移灶为首发表现的肺小细胞癌综合征临床资料, 并复习相关文献。结果 患者男,65岁,无吸烟史,因“胸部、背部、腰部皮肤肿物生长、增大3个月”入院。最大直径6~12 cm球形肿物,肿物表面皮肤青紫、糜烂,触之质韧,与周围组织分界清晰。此外,患者自发病来食欲欠佳,既往“气管炎”40年。对右肩胛区皮下肿物进行组织活检。组织病理学确定了肿物的转移性质,符合肺小细胞癌皮肤转移。胸部X线和磁共振平扫显示右肺门部可见一巨大不规则肿块影,双侧肾周间隙、腹腔及右侧肩胛部、腰部、臀部等部皮肤多发转移。结论 以皮肤转移灶为内脏原发性肿瘤首发症状的现象是极其罕见的,这可能是内部恶性肿瘤的第一个迹象。肿瘤转移到皮肤通常是预示预后不良的晚期事件。

关键词: 小细胞肺癌, 皮肤转移, 临床病理


Objective To investigate the clinical significance and pathological manifestations of small cell lung carcinoma with multiple skin metastases as the first manifestation. Methods The clinical data of a case of small cell lung carcinoma with multiple skin metastases as the initial manifestation were analyzed retrospectively, and the related literatures were reviewed. Results A 65-year-old male patient without smoking history was admitted due to “growth and enlargement of skin masses on chest, back and waist for 3 months”. With a maximum diameter of 6-12 cm, spherical masses on the surface of the skin were bluish and erosive, tough, and presenting a clear boundary with the surrounding tissue. In addition, the patient had poor appetite since the onset, with a 40-year history of tracheitis. Biopsy of the subcutaneous mass in the right scapular region was performed. Histopathology determined the metastatic nature of the mass consistent with cutaneous metastasis of small cell lung carcinoma. Chest X-ray and magnetic resonance plain scan revealed a large irregular mass in the right hilum of the lung, multiple skin metastases in the bilateral perirenal space, the abdominal cavity and the right scapula, waist and buttocks. Conclusion This rare case shows skin metastases as the first manifestation of primary visceral tumors, which may be the first sign of internal malignancy. Metastasis to the skin is usually a late event that predicts a poor prognosis.

Key words: small cell lung carcinoma, skin metastasis, clinicopathology
