林则行, 郭汉城, 姚春萌, 肖良祥, 戴韵馨, 吴赛, 王福珍, 谢祖刚, 姚翠微
Study on influencing factors and prevention for the complications of the “pull technique” technique for peritoneal catheter extubationremoval and the prevention
Lin Zexing, Guo Hancheng, Yao Chunmeng, Xiao Liangxiang, Dai Yunxin, Wu Sai, Wang Fuzhen, Xie Zugang, Yao Cuiwei
临床荟萃 . 2025, (1): 39 -43 .  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2025.01.006