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Comprehensive evaluation of quality of health care for children with rank sum ratio in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities of China in 2015


  1. Department of Child Psychology and Behavior, Children Hospital of Gansu Province,
    the Second Hospital of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730030, China
  • Online:2017-12-05 Published:2017-12-14
  • Contact: Corresponding author:Yang Jing,

Abstract: Objective  To comprehensively evaluate the national child health care status in 2015, and horizontally compare the quality of children health care in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities of China, provide reference basis for making policies. Methods  Rank sum ratio was used to comprehensively analyze  the visit rate of neonates,  systematical management rate of children under three years old, health care management rate of children under seven years old, proportion of infants with birth weight less than  2 500  g, mortality rate of perinatal infants and  proportion of moderate to severe malnutrition among the children under five years old. Results  The situation where children health care was good included Jiangsu, Shanghai, Shanxi, Zhejiang  and Beijing. The situation where that  was relatively poor contained Henan, Guangxi, Qinghai, Hainan, Xinjiang and Xizang. Besides, the situation where that was relatively common involved the rest provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. Conclusion  The situation of children health care is related to the level of economic development, should further increase the marginal ethnic minority areas and the low birth weight infant health care work.

Key words: rank sum ratio, children health service, comprehensive evaluation