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Risk  factors of Mycoplasma pneumonia infection with incomplete Kawasaki disease


  1. 1a.Department of Pediatrics;b.Department of Neonatology;c.Pediatric Intensive Care Unit,Fujian Provincial Maternity and Children’s Hospital,  the Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University,  Fuzhou 350001, China;2. Engineering Research Center for Medical Data Mining and Application of Fujian Province, Xiamen 361024, China
  • Online:2019-09-20 Published:2019-11-19
  • Contact: Corresponding author: Wang Chengyi, Email:

Abstract: Objective  To  investigate the high risk factors of Mycoplasma pneumonia infection with  incomplete Kawasaki disease.Methods  A total of 68patients having  M.pneumonia  infection with incomplete Kawasaki disease were collected from January 2015 to December 2018. At the same time ,a total of 136 patients having  M.pneumonia  infection without Kawasaki disease were selected as a control group. The risk factors of M.pneumonia infection  with incomplete Kawasaki disease were  analyzed by univariate and multivariate binary logistic regression analysis,  and the ROC curve analysis was carried out for relevant indicators with statistical significance in binary Logistic regression analysis.Results  Binary logistic regression analysis showed hemoglobin  and albumin were protective factors, and the fever duration >7 d. The mixed  infection of two or more  pathogensand platelet countwere high risk factors of M. pneumonia infection with incomplete Kawasaki disease. The ROC curve analysis showed that the cutoff values of the 5 predictors were hemoglobin<101 g/L,  area under curve (AUC=0.869,  95%CI 0.8140.912,  platelet count>403×109/L(AUC=0.840,  95%CI 0.7830.888),  albumin<40.5 g/L(AUC=0.830,  95%CI 0.7720.879),  fever duration >7 d(AUC=0.761,  95%CI 0.6960.818),   and the mixed  infection of two or more  pathogens (AUC=0.551,  95%CI 0.4800.621).Conclusion  The reduced hemoglobin and albumin,  increased platelet count,   fever duration >7 d and mixed infection of two or more  pathogens  are risk factors for M. pneumonia infection with  incomplete Kawasaki disease.

Key words: pneumonia, , mycoplasma;mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome, risk factors