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    05 August 2018, Volume 33 Issue 8
    Application of nuclear medicine to inflammatory bowel disease
    Zhang Jianhua1a, Li Junxia1b, Liu Jing2,Wang Rongfu1a
    2018, 33(8):  645-649.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2018.08.001
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    This paper  aims to summarize the progress of nuclear medicine in the management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease(IBD). Radionuclide labelled WBC scintigraphy and 18FFDG PET represent a useful tool in the diagnosis, therapy response and disease monitoring of IBD.
    Progress of nutritional support therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
    Ge Chaoyi, Wang Huahong
    2018, 33(8):  650-655,660.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2018.08.002
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    Inflammatory bowel disease(IBD) is a kind of chronic nonspecific intestinal inflammatory disease with unclear etiology. One of the main clinical manifestations of IBD is malnutrition, which is related to the degree of the disease activity, disease  course, and involved lesion. Malnutrition is also an important factor for patients' prognosis. Therefore, nutritional support therapy is an essential method for patients with IBD. In recent years, much progress has achieved in the mechanisms, indications, and therapy methods of IBD nutritional support therapy. This article reviews the recent studies of changes of nutritional status, assessment methods, energy requirement, and nutritional support therapy in patients with IBD to improve the clinical application of nutritional support therapy.
    Nutritionalrelated diseases of inflammatory bowel disease
    Tian Yu, Li Junxia, Wang Huahong
    2018, 33(8):  656-660.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2018.08.003
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    Ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease,  which fall into the category of inflammatory bowel disease(IBD), are both chronic inflammatory diseases characterized by unclear etiology and repeated recurrence. These characteristics have caused most  of  the patients suffering from decades of trouble, and malnutrition frequentlyoccurs during theprogress of the disease,  even atthe remission period. Malnutrition includes protein energy deficiency, overweight, vitamin, mineral and trace elements deficiency. There are numerous factors associated with malnutrition in patients with IBD, such as poor intestinal absorption, loss of nutrients caused by intestinal ulcers and inflammation, excessive growth of small intestinal bacteria, use of glucocorticoids, and dietary restrictions. Nutritional support is essential for IBD patients, especially for the maintenance of normal growth and development of IBD patients in their childhood, for the treatment of CD patients at active stage, and for the reduction of perioperative complications in patients with IBD.
    Enteral nutrition therapy and intestinal flora in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
    Tian Yu, Li Junxia, Wang Huahong
    2018, 33(8):  661-665.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2018.08.004
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    The influence of environmental factors such as diet, region, antibiotic treatment, supplemental probiotics and enteral nutrition on intestinal flora is also closely related to the occurrence and development of IBD. The theory of the mechanism of intestinal flora contains thousands of factors, which have impacts on every aspect of the host. Although the mechanisms of probiotics have not been explained clearly, they can stimulate mucus secretion, inhibit bacterial colonization, correct bacterial imbalances, improve barrier function, downregulate the expression of innate immune system receptors, balance the subsets of T cells, and change the expression of some genes. In addition, immunoregulation also produces short chain fatty acid and other metabolites, which are very important for the pathogensis of IBD.
    Inflammatory bowel diseases and nutritional therapy
    He Huan1, 2, Zhi Min3, 4
    2018, 33(8):  666-669.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2018.08.005
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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are incurable chronic consumptive disorders causing systemic inflammation of the system,  which ismanifested as gastro intestinal (GI) ulcer accompanied with systemic symptoms including  malnutrition and weight loss. Nutritional therapy  is an important part of the management of IBD,  and can be used to induce disease remission and ameliorate malnutrition.
    Evaluation to longterm prognosis by residual SYNTAX score to 311 patients with percutaneous coronary artery intervention
    Han Yajun, Zhao Ping, Zhu Hui, Zhao Weiyi, Wang Yanfang, Liu Zhihong
    2018, 33(8):  670-674.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2018.08.006
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    Objective  To evaluate the ability of residual SYNTAX to predict longterm prognosis in patients with coronary artery disease. Methods  A total of 311 patients with coronary artery disease undergoing coronary artery disease were enrolled in the Department of Cardiology,  Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Hospital from January 2013 to May 2014. Clinical data including sex,  age,  clinical diagnosis,  blood lipid and renal function were collected. Main adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events (MACCE),  including allcause death,  stroke,  repeat revascularization,  and heart failure,  were followed up for 2 to 4 years. Results  Of the 311 patients, there were 48 cases of MACCE,  including 14 cases of allcause death,  23 cases of repeat revascularization,  9 cases of ischemic stroke and 2 cases of heart failure. MACCE group was older than nonMACCE group(64.13±8.45 vs 60.79±10.12, P=0.03),  and the ratio of patients with diabetes mellitus was higher than that of the nonMACCE group (39.58% vs 18.63%, P=0.001),  SYNTAX scores (15.16±6.53 and 12.94±7.44), and residual SYNTAX scores  (7.52±6.54 and 4.23±5.50, P=0.000) were significantly higher in MACCE group than those without MACCE group . The area under the curve for predicting the endpoint events about SYNTAX score,  residual SYNTAX score, visualized coronary artery disease were 0.608(P=0.018),  0.665(P=0.000),  0.668(P=0.000) respectively. The incidence of MACCE was 5.98% and 20.42% in complete revascularization group and incomplete revascularization group, with P being 0.003. The revascularization rates of the two groups were 0.85% and 12.37%, respectively(P=0.000). The SYNTAX scores for patients with diabetes mellitus and nondiabetic were 15.09±7.69 and 12.78±7.17, P=0.026,  and the residual SYNTAX scores were 6.15±6.32 and 4.34±5.57, P=0.016. The incidence of MACCE in diabetics and nondiabetic patients was 27.9% and 11.8% (P=0.001),  and the repeat revascularization rates were 19.1% and 4.9%,  respectively(P=0.000). Conclusion  ① The complete revascularization of patients with coronary heart disease is superior to incomplete revascularization,  and the more lesions the residual coronary artery has, the higher the incidence of MACCE is. ② Residual SYNTAX score,  SYNTAX score and visualized coronary artery disease can predict longterm prognosis. ③ The degree of coronary artery disease in patients with diabetes is heavy, and the main reason for the high incidence of MACCE is revascularization.
    Analysis of influencing factors of in stent restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with coronary heart disease
    Wang Li1, Yu Tao2
    2018, 33(8):  675-677,682.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2018.08.007
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    Objective  To investigate the influence factors of in stent restenosis(ISR )after 1 year of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with coronary heart disease(CHD). Methods  A total of 54 CHDpatients  who had restenosis one year after PCI were enrolled in the cardiovascular department of Lanzhou First People's Hospitalfrom January 2017 to May 2018. Another 30 patients without restenosis were selected as control group.The glycated hemoglobin (HbAlc), myoglobin (Myo), uric acid (UA), homocysteine (Hcy), total bilirubin (TBIL), γglutamyltranspeptidase (GGT), triacyl Glycerin (TG), total cholesterol (TC), highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC), lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC), apolipoprotein A1 (APOA1), apolipoprotein B (APOB), lipid Protein a[Lp(a)], a myocardial infarction thrombolysis risk (TIMI) score were estimated.Therisk factors for restenosis after 1 year of PCI were analyzed.Results  Compared with the no restenosis group, the UA and MYO in the restenosis group were significantly increased(P<0.05). The logistic regression analysis found that the increase of UA, TBIL and MYO were independent risk factors for restenosis in CHD patients after 1 year. APOA is a protective factor. Conclusion  The increase of UA, TBIL and MYO is an independent risk factor for restenosis after PCI in patients with coronary heart disease. The increase of APOA is the protective factor.
    Contrast of cardiac measurements between systolic and diastolic with multislice spiral CT
    Xu Qian, Guo Zhijun, Feng Wenqiu, Zhao Baohong, Liu Haitao, Lan Qing
    2018, 33(8):  678-682.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2018.08.008
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    Objective  Cardiac endsystolic and enddiastolic images were obtained by 64slice spiral CT ECG gating technique. Then, theborderline of the four heart chambers as the measurement baseline,  the normal range of the heart chambers were measured and analyzed,  and the characteristics were compared between the two phases.Methods  Retrospective analysis of cardiac endsystolic and enddiastolic CT images was performed on 133 healthy subjects.The 95% confidence interval (CI) of the left to right diameter (RL) and the anteroposterior diameter (AP) of the heart chambers were measured separately and analyzed statistically. And the endsystolic and enddiastolic measurements were compared and analyzed. Results  In the endsystolic phase,  the AP and RL of the left and right atrium were significantly greater than those in the enddiastolic phase (P<0.05). For left and right ventricles,  theRL and AP in enddiastolic phase were significantly larger than that in endsystolic (P<0.05). The RL ratio of Left/ right atrial,  the RL ratio of left / right ventricular and the AP ratio of left/right ventricular were greater than 1,  and in the endsystolic phase significantly greater than in the enddiastolic phase (P<0.05). The AP ratio ofleft/right atrium was less than 1,  with that in the endsystolic phase being significantly less than that in the enddiastolic phase (P<0.05).There was no significant difference in left atrium RL: AP between the two phases (P>0.05),  and the rest ratio of each cardiac cavity parameters had significant difference between the two phases.Left ventricular angle (β) between endsystolic and enddiastolic contrast was nosignificant difference (P>0.05). Conclusion  By means of measuring the cardiac diameters in the endsystolic and enddiastolic phases,  the characteristics and 95%CI were statistically analyzed with multislice spiral CT,  and the range and upper limit was obtained. Thus,  it provides a theoretical basis for further exploration of the use of nonenhanced chest CT images to observe the size of each cardiac cavity.
    Application of A2DS2 score for predicting  strokeassociated pneumonia in patients with acute ischemic stroke
    Wang Na, Li Peilan
    2018, 33(8):  683-686.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2018.08.009
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    Objective  To explore the incedence of strokeassociated pneumonia (SAP) and assess the value of A2DS2 score in predicting SAP in patients with ischemic stroke in emergency ward. Methods  Baseline characteristics and laboratory data of 271 patients with ischemic stroke in emergency ward from April 1,   2014 to March 31,   2017 were analysed. Patients were allocated into SAP group (n=103) and nonSAP group (n=168). The multivariable logistic regression was applied to investigate risk factors for the progression of SAP. Receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was used to evaluate the predictive effect of A2DS2 score for ischemic strokeassociated pneumonia. Results  Totally,  103 (38.0%) patients developed SAP. There were significant differences between the two groups in terms of age, dysphagia,   National Institute of Health stroke scale scores (NIHSS),   comorbidities (atrial fibrillation,  ecoronary heart disease and history of stroke) and conscious disturbance (Glasgow coma score <9)  all of which were of statistical difference. The multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed that age over 75 years old,   dysphagia,   higher NIHSS and conscious disturbance were the risk factors for the development of SAP. The area under the ROC curve (AUC) of A2DS2 score for predicting strokeassociated pneumonia was 0.928. Conclusion A2DS2 score provides an effective method for prediction of the risk of ischemic strokeassociated pneumonia.
    Prediction factor analysis of infantile bronchopneumonia with acute heart failure
    Lin Yijun, Lin Shan, Wang Shibiao
    2018, 33(8):  687-690.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2018.08.010
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    Objective  To analyze the predictors of infantile bronchopneumonia with acute heart failure in pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Methods  Totally 381 infants with bronchopneumonia in our hospital were retrospectively analysed,  among them, 94 cases had acute heart failure (AHF) and 287 cases had no acute heart failure (nonAHF). The univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted,  and the ROC curve was applied to evaluate the predictive efficacy of each factor,  then the optimal cutoff value was selected. Results  There were statistical differences in malnutrition,  arrhythmia,   NTproBNP,  CTNI,  CKMB,  neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio(NLR),  DDimer  between AHF group and nonAHF group (P<0.05). The variables that eventually entered the regression model were NTproBNP,  CTNI,  CKMB and DDimer (P<0.05). The areas under the ROC curves (AUC) of NTproBNP,  CTNI,  CKMB and DDimer were 0.957,  0.855,  0831 and 0.823,  respectively,  and the best cutoff values were 233.2  pg/ml,  0.035  ng/ml,  31.15  U/L and 1.005  mg/L,  respectively. Conclusion  NTproBNP,  CTNI,  CKMB and DDimer are independent predictors of infantile bronchopneumonia with acute heart failure.
    Ultrasonic study of upper linb nerve in type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral neuropathy
    Chen Binjuan, Mu Jingjing, Wang Yuan, Wang Yindi, Tong Minghui
    2018, 33(8):  691-694.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2018.08.011
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    Objective  To investigate the changes of crosssectional area(CSA) of multiple sites of upper extremity nerve in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with peripheral neuropathy by highfrequency ultrasonographyand its clinical significance.Methods  Highfrequency ultrasonography was performed on 30 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus complicated with peripheral neuropathy and 30 healthy controls to examine multiple sites of the median nerve(MN),  ulnar nerve(UN) and radial nerve(RN) of the upper limb,  including the CSA of MN at Carpal tunnel,  forearm midpoint,  elbow fossa and midpoint of the upper arm,  the CSA of UN at the rasceta, forearm midpoint side leg and midpoint of the upper arm,  the CSA of RN at the elbow and the radial groove.  Comparative analysis was made on  the crosssectional area and ultrasonographic characteristic of each site and their diagnosticvalueswere also explored.Results  The crosssectional area of median nerve at wrist canal,  midpoint of forearm, chelidon and midpoint of upper arm,  the crosssectional area of ulnar nerve at wrist stria,  elbow canal and midpoint of upper arm,  and the crosssectional area of radial nerve in radial nerve groove in type 2 diabetic peripheral neuropathy group were all larger than those in normal control group   (P<0.05).Conclusion  Ultrasonography may provide a clinical basis for the early detection and evaluation of type 2 diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
    Analysis of the risk factors of death in 167 patients with maintenance hemodialysis
    Zhou Xiaochun, Wang Xiaoling, Zhao Pengming, Li Jingjing, Shu Hong, Wang Jianqin
    2018, 33(8):  695-699.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2018.08.012
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    Objective  To explorethe causes of death and related risk factors in patients with maintenance hemodialysis(MHD),  and provide scientific basis for the diagnosis and treatment of of such patients.Methods  To investigate the mortality of all maintenance dialysis patients in our center during the past 10 years,  and to compare the clinical and laboratory data between the death group and the survival group of maintenance dialysis at the same time.Results  The total mortality of maintenance dialysis patients was 8.8% (167/1694). With the prolongation of dialysis age,  the proportion of death increased gradually (r=0.367,  0.05). According to the age composition of the dead patients,  42.5% (71/167) were over 60 years old,  31.7% (53/167) were diabetic nephropathy,  25.1% (42/167) were primary glomerular diseases,  and 12.6% (21/167) were hypertension nephropathy. The causes of death included cardiovascular complications 40.7% (68/167),  infection 36.5% (61/167) and stroke 11.9% (20/167). The comparison of clinical and laboratory data between the death group and the survival group during maintenance hemodialysis showed that the control rate of blood pressure in the death group was significantly lower than that in the survival group (P<0.01),  the mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure before hemodialysis was significantly higher than that in the survival group (P<0.05). The Kt/V value was significantly lower than that of the survival group  (P<0.05),  the levels of serum phosphorus and PTH were significantly higher than those of the survival group (P<0.05),  the weight gain during the dialysis interval was significantly higher than that of the survival group (P<0.05),  and the proportion of the death group with less than 8 hours of dialysis per week was significantly lower than that of the survival group (P<0.01). Logistic regression analysis showed that high systolic blood pressure,  diastolic blood pressure,  low serum protein level,  low hemoglobin level,  Kt/V level,  less than 8 hours of dialysis time per week,  high serum phosphorus level and high PTH level were the main risk factors of death in maintenance dialysis patients (P<0.05).Conclusion  The main causes of death in maintenance hemodialysis patients are cardiovascular diseases. Hypertension,  dialysis less than 8 hours weekly,  inadequate dialysis, hypophosphatemia,hyperthyroidemia and malnutrition were  significant risk factorsfor death in patients with maintenance dialysis.
    Metaanalysis of the  relationship  between  carotid atherosclerotic plaque and serum YKL 40 level  in  atherosclerotic cerebral infarction patients
    Yan Wen, Sun Bo, Ren Jiangong
    2018, 33(8):  700-704.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2018.08.013
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    Objective  To systematically evaluate the relationship between the carotid atherosclerotic plaque and the serum chitin enzymes protein 40 (YKL 40) level in patients with atherosclerotic cerebral infarction (ACI). Methods  Literature about the influence of serum YKL 40 levelonACIpublished before Jan.1, 2018 were searched. The search was conducted in databases including CNKI, Wanfang Dataand PubMed. The casecontrol study about the YKL40 levelbetween ACI patients(ACI group) and patients without ACI(control group) were included in this study. Quality evaluation and data extraction were carried out, and meta analysis was performed by RevMan 5.3.Results  Sevencasecontrol studies were included in this study, including  649  patients in the ACI group and 290patientsin the control group. The result showed that the serum YKL 40 level of the ACI group were much more higher than that of thecontrol group, and the differences is statistically significant (SMD=1.55,95%CI=1.391.71,P<0.01);  In the ACI group, the serum YKL 40 level among patientswith stable plaques was lower than that of patients withunstable plaques. Conclusion  The level of serum YKL40 is positively correlated with the occurrence of ACI in China, and the higher the serum YKL40 is, the worse the stability of atherosclerotic plaques is.
    Efficacy and safety of icotinib combined with radiotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer with brain metastasis: a  metaanalysis
    Chen Benchao, Li Heng, Xiang Xudong, Li Gaofeng, Fu Feng, Guo Qi,Fan Shengliang,Wang Deguang
    2018, 33(8):  705-710.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2018.08.014
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    Objective  To evaluate the efficacy and safety of icotinib combined with radiotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer with brain metastasis. Methods  The Cochrane Library,  PubMed,  EMbase, CBM, VIP, CNK and WanFang Data were searched for the references on icotinib combined with radiotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer with brain metastases published from the date of January 2011 to July 2017. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria,  two reviewers  screened the studies  independently,  extracted the data and assessed the quality. Then, RevMan 5.3 software was used for meta analysis.Results  A total of 5 clinical control studies involving 281 patients were included. The results of metaanalysis showed that  icotinib combined with radiotherapy may contribute to higher CR as compared with the group treated with radiotherapy only(OR=2.69, 95%CI=1.305.58, P=0.008) and PR (OR=2.28, 95%CI=1.403.71, P=0.0009) rates,  ORR(OR=4.16, 95%CI=2.267.67, P=0.00001), and DCR
    (OR=3.97, 95%CI=1.709.26, P=0.001), and lower PD(OR=0.30, 95%CI=0.140.62, P=0.001) and SD (OR=0.39, 95%CI=0.220.69,P=0.001) rates for lung cancer patients with brain metastases. Moreover, the group of icotinib combined with radiotherapy increases the risk of erythra (OR=6.79, 95%CI=3.4013.55, P<0.05) and diarrhea (OR=2.57, 95%CI=1.096.04, P=0.03). There were no significant differences in leukopenia (P=0.70),  nausea and vomiting(P=0.20), and liver function impairment(P=0.32,P>0.05) between the two groups.Conclusion  Icotinib combined with radiotherapy is more effective than monotherapy for lung cancer with brain metastasis. Meanwhile, the group of icotinib combined with radiotherapy increases the risk of erythra and diarrhea which can be alleviated after expectant treatment. There were no significant differences between the two groups in leukopenia,  nausea and vomiting, liver function impairment. The therapy is safe and reliable.