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  1. 煤炭总医院 肿瘤内科,北京 100028
  • 出版日期:2016-11-05 发布日期:2016-11-04
  • 通讯作者: 通信作者: 王洪武,Email: wanghongwu2015@126.com
  • 作者简介:王洪武,现任煤炭总医院副院长,学术委员会主任委员,兼呼吸内科、肿瘤内科及职业病科主任。博士,教授,主任医师,硕士研究生导师,享受国务院政府特贴。兼职:国家卫计委呼吸内镜专家委员会委员,中国抗癌协会呼吸内镜分会主任委员,中国研究型医院学会常务理事,亚洲冷冻学会副主委。能娴熟应用气管镜、胸腔镜等技术,在影像引导下的介入治疗方面也取得了一定的成绩。擅长肺癌、气道复杂良恶性病变及晚期肿瘤的诊治。获部属医疗成果一等奖2项,二等奖7项,三等奖6项。在国内外发表论文200余篇,主编专著4部,参编专著20部。

New classification system of eight regions in central airway and therapy strategy of malignant airway noeplasma

  1. Department of  Medical Oncology, Coal General Hospital, Beijing 100028,China
  • Online:2016-11-05 Published:2016-11-04
  • Contact: Corresponding author: Wang Hongwu, Email: wanghongwu2015@126.com

摘要: 根据近年来作者的工作经验,将中央型气道分为8个区。根据肿瘤与管壁的关系,又可分为管内型、管壁型、管外型和混合型四种类型。对管内型和管壁型肿瘤多采用支气管镜下削瘤的方法, 畅通气道,不必放置支架。管外型多采用放置支架的方法缓解气道狭窄。新的分区和分型方法有助于指导支气管镜介入治疗。

关键词: 气管肿瘤, 支气管镜检查

Abstract: New classification system of eight regions in the central airway was suggested according to  the author′s  experience in recent years. Bronchial tumor could be divided into four types of introluminal,mural, extrinsic compression and mixed corresponding to the location between the tumor and the bronchial wall. Debarlking of the tumor was frequently used in the introluminal and mural types, then the stent was not necessary to be placed if airway was unimpeded. Stent should be implanted in the extrinsic compression and mixed types so as to relieve the strictures. The new classification and diagnosis system are helpful to guide the interventional   bronchoscopy.

Key words: tracheal neoplasms, bronchoscopy