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  1. 河北医科大学第二医院  消化内科,河北省消化病重点实验室,河北省消化病研究所,河北 石家庄 050000
  • 出版日期:2018-05-05 发布日期:2018-05-29
  • 通讯作者: 通信作者:尹凤荣, Email: yinfr@163.com
  • 作者简介:尹凤荣,女,副主任医师,医学硕士。河北省医学会感染病学分会委员,河北省中西医结合学会营养专业委员会委员,河北省医学会感染病学分会肝衰竭与人工肝学组委员,河北省医学会胰腺病学分会委员,河北省医学会消化病学分会幽门螺杆菌与消化性溃疡学组委员,河北省老年医学会消化专业委员会常委;石家庄市医学会消化病学分会委员;北京亚太肝病诊疗技术联盟河北省联盟常务理事。先后承担省级课题3项、院级课题1项,获河北医学科技奖二等奖1项。在专业刊物上发表论文、综述10余篇,参编著作2部。

Epidemiology and risk factors of  Clostridium difficile  infection

  1. Department of Gastroenterology, the Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University;  Hebei Key Laboratory
    of Gastroenterology; Hebei Institute of Gastroenterology, Shijiazhuang 050000, China
  • Online:2018-05-05 Published:2018-05-29
  • Contact: Corresponding author: Yin Fengrong, Email: yinfr@163.com

摘要: 艰难梭菌(Clostridium difficile,CD)是一种寄生于肠道的革兰阳性梭状芽孢杆菌。随着抗生素的广泛应用,艰难梭菌感染(Clostridium difficile infection,CDI)的发病率在全球范围内逐年升高。尤其是CD高产毒株(BI/NAP1/027/毒素Ⅲ型)的出现和流行,使得CD成为近年来医疗卫生相关的重要病原菌之一。目前,国内外有关CDI流行病学方面的研究不断更新。本文对CDI的流行病学情况及危险因素进行综述,旨在提高临床医务工作者对CDI的认识。

关键词: 梭菌感染, 流行病学, 危险因素

Abstract: Clostridium difficile (CD), parasitic on the intestine, belongs to grampositive bacteria. With the widespread use of antibiotics, the incidence and severity of Clostridium difficile infection  (CDI)  have been on the rise worldwide.  Of  particular note, the emergence and outbreak of virulent ribotype 027 strain (BI/NAP 1/027/toxinⅢ)  has made CD one of the most important healthcare related pathogens.  Researches on CDI epidemiology are undergoing continuous renewal at home and abroad.  The epidemiological situation and risk factors of CDI are reviewed  in order to strengthen the understanding of CDI among clinical medical workers.

Key words: Clostridium , infections;epidemiology;risk factors