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  1. 1.白求恩国际和平医院 心内科,河北 石家庄 050000;2.北京陆军总医院 心内科,北京 100700
  • 出版日期:2018-12-05 发布日期:2019-01-17
  • 通讯作者: 通信作者:崔俊玉,Email:cuijunyu008@163.com
  • 作者简介:李洁,白求恩国际和平医院心血管内科心电生理室负责人,副主任技师,长期从事临床电生理工作,擅长疑难心电图分析及诊断,食管心房调搏、起搏器术后管理、射频消融术中监测等。参与完成多项临床电生理研究课题,获省部级科技进步奖10项,先后发表论文20余篇,参编著作两部。任中国医药生物技术协会心电技术分会委员,中国心电学会无创心脏电生理专业委员会委员,第九届中国生物医学工程学会心律学分会女性心律失常工作委员会委员,河北省医药生物技术协会心律学分会委员,河北省电生理学会委员,河北省电生理学会心电学分会常务委员。

Standardized method for clinical operation of ambulatory electrocardiogram

  1. 1.Department of Cardiology, Bethune International Peace Hospital, Shijiazhuang 050000, China;
    2. Department of Cardiology, Beijing Army General Hospital, Beijing 100700, China
  • Online:2018-12-05 Published:2019-01-17
  • Contact: Corrsponding author:Cui Junyu, Email:cuijunyu008@163.com

摘要: 动态心电图,又称Holter或Holter检查,是一种评价各种心脏病患者心电图异常的简便、高效、准确、安全的无创检查,广泛用于心律失常的相关症状评价,心肌缺血的诊断,心脏病患者的预后和日常生活能力评估,药物疗效评价,起搏器等埋藏式心脏电治疗装置监测等领域。目前动态心电图已广泛用于于临床各级医疗机构,为了更好地发挥其作用,有必要对该项技术进行规范化培训。本文参考相关指南、共识及专家建议,结合作者经验,撰写动态心电图临床操作标准化方法供临床使用时参考。

关键词: 心电描记术,  , 便携式, 心律失常, 心肌缺血, 临床操作, 标准化

Abstract: Ambulatory electrocardiogram(ECG), also called Holter or Holter examination, is a simple, efficient, accurate and safe noninvasive examination for the evaluation of abnormal ECG in patients with cardiovascular dissease. It is widely used in the evaluation of cardiac arrhythmiasof heart disease patients,occurrence of myocardial ischemia, drug efficacy, the state of implantable cardiac electrotherapy devices such as pacemakers, etc. At present, ambulatory ECG has been widely used in clinical medical institutions.It is necessary to standardize the training of this  technology. This paper refers to the relevant guidelines, consensus and expert suggestions, combined with the authors' experience, to write the standardized method of clinical operation of ambulatory ECG for clinical reference. 

Key words: electrocardiography, , ambulatory; , arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, clinical operation, standardization