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  1. 苏州大学附属第三医院 血液科,江苏  常州  213003
  • 出版日期:2019-06-20 发布日期:2019-08-02
  • 通讯作者: 顾伟英,Email:guweiying2001@163.com
  • 作者简介:顾伟英,主任医师、教授,医学博士,博士生导师。中国抗癌协会血液肿瘤专业委员会第一届青年委员。江苏省医学会遗传学分会委员。常州市医学会血液学分会副主任委员。江苏省第五期"333工程"第二层次培养对象,常州市卫生领军人才。主要从事白血病基础和临床研究,尤其是白血病微小残留病的监测及分子靶向免疫治疗。2005年3-9月前往法国巴黎PetierSalpetriere集团医院血液科进修学习。在省级以上学术期刊共发表学术论文70余篇,其中第一作者或通讯作者40余篇,SCI收录24篇。主持完成多项省市级课题,获省科技进步奖二等、三等奖各1项,江苏省卫生厅新技术引进奖二等奖3项,江苏省卫生厅医学进步奖三等奖1项,市科技进步奖一等奖1项,市科技进步奖二等奖2项,市科技进步奖三等奖3项。

Diagnosis and treatment of primary central nervous system lymphoma

  1. Department  of  Hematology, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University,  Changzhou  213003, China
  • Online:2019-06-20 Published:2019-08-02
  • Contact: Corresponding author:Gu Weiying, Email:guweiying2001@163.com

摘要: 原发中枢神经系统淋巴瘤是指局限于中枢神经系统而无其他部位受累的非霍奇金淋巴瘤的一种特殊类型,由于其发病率相对较低,病理标本相对难获得,给基础和临床的研究带来了一定的困难。尽管这些研究的样本量相对较少,遗传学及分子生物学研究证实了其特殊的遗传背景及分子生物学特征。尽管大剂量甲氨蝶呤的应用明显改善了这部分患者的预后,但由于大部分的临床研究为Ⅱ期单中心的临床试验且样本量相对较少,尚无统一的最佳治疗方案,而对于老年及复发难治患者的治疗尚无大宗的临床研究数据支持。本文将对原发中枢神经系统淋巴瘤的临床及分子生物学特点以及治疗进行综述。

关键词: 淋巴瘤, 中枢神经系统, 遗传学, 分子生物学, 治疗

Abstract: Primary central nervous system lymphoma refers to a special type of nonHodgkin's lymphoma that is confined to the central nervous system without evidence of systemic spread. Its relatively low incidence and the limited pathological specimens  bring certain difficulties for further research. Genetic and molecular biology studies have confirmed its specific genetic background and molecular biological characteristics,  but the sample size of these studies is relatively small. Although the administration of highdose methotrexate has significantly improved the prognosis of the patients,  there is still no uniform optimal treatment, for most of the clinical studies are focused on phase Ⅱ singlecenter clinical trials and the sample size is relatively limited. Besides, there are no enough data to support clinical studies for treatment of the elderly and relapsed refractory patients. This article reviews the clinical and molecular biological characteristics and the treatment of primary central nervous system lymphoma.

Key words: lymphoma, central nervous system, cytogenetics, biological features, treatment