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  1. 1.西安医学院, 陕西 西安 710021;2.西安市儿童医院 免疫科,陕西 西安 710003;3.陕西省儿科疾病研究所,陕西 西安 710003
  • 出版日期:2019-10-20 发布日期:2019-12-09
  • 通讯作者: 李小青,Email:xa_lxq@163.com

Clinical analysis of Gitelman syndrome and short stature with SLC12A3 mutation in one case

  1. 1.Xi’an Medical University,  Xi 'an 710021, China; 2.Department of Immunology, 
    Xi 'an Children's Hospital,  Xi 'an 710003, China; 3.Shaanxi Provincial Institute of
    Paediatric Diseases, Xi 'an 710003,  China
  • Online:2019-10-20 Published:2019-12-09
  • Contact: Corresponding author: Li Xiaoqing, Email:xa_lxq@163.com

摘要: Gitelman综合征(Gitelman  syndrome,GS)又被称为家族性低钾低镁血症,是一种以低钾低氯性碱中毒、低镁血症、低尿钙、高肾素活性为特征的常染色体隐性遗传的失盐性肾小管疾病,血压可正常或偏低。大多数患者经过“食补+药物”替代治疗有良好的预后,早期发现并予相应治疗,可显著提高患者生活质量。现将西安市儿童医院收治的1例Gitelman综合征并身材矮小患者临床资料及诊疗过程,结合相关文献学习,做如下报道。

关键词: Gitelman综合征, 低血钾, 矮小症, SLC12A3基因

Abstract: Gitelman syndrome (GS),  also known as familial hypokalemic  hypomagnesemia,  is an autosomal recessive inherited and saltlosing renal tubular disease characterized by hypokalemic and  hypochloremic alkalosis,  hypomagnesemia,  hypocalciuria  and high renin activity. And GS patients  may have  normal or low blood pressure.Most patients have good prognosis after “food supplement+drug” replacement therapy. Early detection and corresponding treatment can significantly improve the life quality of patients. Together with other related literature,  this paper reports  the clinical data,  diagnosis and treatment of a patient with Gitelman syndrome and short stature admitted to Xi 'an Children's Hospital.

Key words: Gitelman syndrome, hypokalemia, short stature, SLC12A3 gene