临床荟萃 ›› 2024, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (11): 993-999.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2024.11.006

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曾学英1, 尹万红1(), 秦瑶1, 王艺萍2, 曹良海3, 雷贤英4, 廖雪莲1,5, 四川省国际医学交流促进会重症超声与血流动力学专业委员会   

  1. 1.四川大学华西医院 重症医学科,四川 成都 610041
    2.四川省医学科学院 四川省人民医院重症医学科,四川 成都 610072
    3.宜宾市第二人民医院 重症医学科,四川 宜宾 644000
    4.西南医科大学附属医院 重症医学科,四川 泸州 646000
    5.四川大学华西天府医院 重症医学科,四川 成都 610213
  • 收稿日期:2024-08-30 出版日期:2024-11-20 发布日期:2024-12-04
  • 通讯作者: 尹万红 E-mail:yinwanhong@wchscu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Survey of the application and demands of critical care ultrasound in critical illnesses in tertiary hospitals of Sichuan Province

Zeng Xueying1, Yin Wanhong1(), Qin Yao1, Wang Yiping2, Cao Lianghai3, Lei Xianying4, Liao Xuelian1,5   

  1. 1. Intensive Care Unit,West China Hospital,Sichuan University,Chengdu,610041,China
    2. Department of Critical Care Medicine,Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences,Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital,Chengdu 610072,China
    3. Intensive Care Unit,the Second People’s Hospital of Yibin,Yibin 644000,China
    4. Department of Critical Care Medicine,the Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Medical University,Luzhou 646000,China
    5. Department of Critical Care Medicine, West China Tianfu Hospital,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610213,China
  • Received:2024-08-30 Online:2024-11-20 Published:2024-12-04
  • Contact: Yin Wanhong E-mail:yinwanhong@wchscu.cn


目的 调查四川省三级公立医院重症医护重症超声应用现况,为后继合理培训、资源配置以及规避应用误区提供数据参考。方法 通过问卷星进行信息收集。结果 本次共调查三级公立医院166家,无仪器的占22.29%,935位重症医护中67.38%累计使用重症超声频次较少(50例以下)。不同临床场景中脓毒症、休克、CPR术后及深静脉穿刺、胸腹腔穿刺重症超声评估率可达50%以上,分别为63.72%、56.86%、54.20%、57.96%、73.45%。80%~90%的医护认为应用重症超声后可提高穿刺成功率。对于不同重症综合征的处理,结果显示应用率越高,诊疗决策改变率越高。此外,调查显示目前存在的困难主要为有资质人员不足、设备不足、培训课程覆盖不够、重症超声图像判读与解读困难等。结论 四川省重症超声人力、资源配置等有所欠缺,但对于临床常见有创诊疗操作及重症综合征的评估,大多数人认为有益。通过调查应用困难与需求,为后继合理培训、资源配置以及规避应用误区提供了准确数据参考。

关键词: 重症超声, 应用调查, 临床场景, 培训需求


Objective To investigate the current status of the application of critical care ultrasound in critical illnesses in tertiary hospitals of Sichuan Province, and to provide data reference for subsequent reasonable training, resource allocation, and avoiding incorrect application. Methods Information was collected through the network medium Sojump. Results A total of 166 tertiary hospitals were surveyed, with 22.29% lacking ultrasound instruments applied to critically ill patients. Among 935 medical staff providing healthcare to critically ill patients, 67.38% used ultrasound less frequently (less than 50 cases). In different clinical scenarios, the rate of use ultrasonography in assessing sepsis, shock, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), deep vein puncture and thoracoabdominal puncture was 63.72%, 56.86%, 54.20%, 57.96% and 73.45%, respectively, all exceeding 50%. More than 80%-90% of healthcare providers believed that the use of critical care ultrasound was able to improve the success rate of puncture in critically ill patients. Similarly, for the management of critical syndromes, the higher the application rate, the higher the rate of change in diagnosis and treatment decisions. Furthermore, the survey revealed that the main challenges currently faced included a shortage of qualified personnel, inadequate equipment availability, insufficient coverage of training courses, and difficulties in interpreting and analyzing critical ultrasound images. Conclusion Although there lacks manpower and resource allocation for ultrasound applications in critically ill patients in Sichuan Province, it is believed to benefit common invasive procedures and assessment of critical syndromes. By investigating the difficulties and needs of application, accurate data references are provided for subsequent reasonable training, resource allocation, thus avoiding erroneous applications.

Key words: critical care ultrasound, application survey, clinical scenario, training demands
