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  1. 河北医科大学第二医院 消化内科,河北 石家庄 050035
  • 出版日期:2020-01-20 发布日期:2020-03-18
  • 通讯作者: 张晓岚, Email: xiaolanzh@126.com

Interpretation of Chinese Guideline for Bowel Preparation for Colonoscopy (2019)

  1. Department of Gastroentology,  the Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University,  Shijiazhuang 050035,  China
  • Online:2020-01-20 Published:2020-03-18
  • Contact: Corresponding author: Zhang Xiaolan, Email: xiaolanzh@126.com

摘要: 随着内镜技术的发展和普及,肠镜检查的重要性进一步突显,肠道准备作为肠镜检查的前提条件显得尤为重要。为进一步改进我国内镜检查前肠道准备的方法,提高内镜检查的质量,结合我国实际情况,中国医师协会内镜医师分会消化内镜专业委员会联合中国抗癌协会肿瘤内镜学专业委员会对旧版指南进行了更新。本文对2019版《中国消化内镜诊疗相关肠道准备指南》的更新内容进行解读,以期更好地加深内镜医护人员对《新指南》的认知和理解,指导患者进行肠道准备,从而最大程度提高肠镜诊疗效果,更大程度的使患者获益。

关键词: 结肠镜检查, 指南, 肠道准备

Abstract: With the development and popularization of endoscopic techniques,  the importance of colonoscopy is further highlighted.And bowel preparation, a prerequisite for colonoscopy,  is particularly significant.In order to improve the method and quality of bowel preparation before the therapeutic endoscopy,  Digestive Endoscopy Special Committee of Endoscopic Physicians Branch of Chinese Medical Association and Cancer Endoscopy Committee of China Anti  Cancer Association  updated the 2013 guide.This article interprets the updated content of Chinese Guideline for Bowel Preparation for Colonoscopy(2019) in order to deepen the clinician's understanding,  and guide patients to do bowel preparation, also to maximize the benefits of patients.

Key words: colonoscopy, guideline, bowel preparation