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Psychosomatic  factors and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease#br#


  1. Department of Gastroenterology,Hebei General Hospital, Shijiazhuang 050051,China
  • Online:2017-01-05 Published:2017-01-12
  • Contact: Corresponding author: Su Shaohui,Email:

Abstract: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is caused by multiple factors disease. In recent years, many studies have shown that GERD patients are associated with mental disorders.The psychological factors play an important role in the physiological  mechanisms of symptoms of GERD which alter the motor and sensory function of esophagus by  braingut axis mechanism and autonomic nerve dysfunction.In addition to controlling the reflux symptoms, we should pay more attention to psychosomatic  factors in the treatment of  GERD patients.  The psychological/behavioral interventions are especially important.

Key words: gastroesophageal reflux, autonomic nervous system, psychosomatic medicine