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Key points to reduce diabetic amputation: early diagnosis and scientific treatment of diabetic foot ulcer


  1. Department of Endocrinology Diabetes Center, the 306th Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100101, China
  • Online:2016-09-05 Published:2016-08-31
  • Contact: Corresponding author: Xu Zhangrong, Email:

Abstract: Diabetic foot ulcer is the leading cause of hospitalization for the patients with foot diseases and diabetic amputation. Early diagnosis and scientific treatment are the key factors of improving the prognosis and saving the medical cost for these patients. This paper introduces two cases of diabetic foot ulcers caused by paronychia and emphasizes the importance of early diagnosing and scientific treating diabetic foot ulcer with infection, which promoted the ulcer healing, avoided amputation, but also decreased the hospital days and medical cost. By discussing another case with complicated diabetic foot problems, it is believed that  trust between medical staff and patients is also very important in the diabetic foot prognosis. The conditions for the patients, who need urgent transferring from community medical centers to the tertiary hospitals with the professional and multidisciplinary diabetic foot care team, are also introduced.

Key words: diabetic foot;foot ulcer, therapy