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Predictive value of serum neutrophil gelationase associated lipocalin and Cys-C in early diagnosis of contrast induced nephropathy


  1. 1.Department of Nephropathy, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College, Bengbu 233040,China;
    2.Department of Pedidtrics, the First Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College, Bengbu 233000,China
  • Online:2017-12-05 Published:2017-12-14
  • Contact: Corresponding author: Zong Xiaoying, Email:

Abstract: Objective   To investigate the value of combined detection of serum neutrophil gelationase associated lipocalin(NGAL) and Cystatin C(CysC)in predicting the contrast induced nephropathy(CIN) after percutaneous coronary intervention. Methods  A total of 114 patients with suspected coronary heart disease underwent PCI were included.  The  patients  were divided into two groups: CIN (12 cases) and nonCIN (102 cases). The level of SCr, CysC and NGAL were measured before and after operation. The area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) was used to assess the sensitivity of NGAL and CysC in early diagnosis of CIN.Results   The serum NGAL of CIN was significantly higher than that  of  nonCIN at 6 hours after operation(P=0.01). The serum CysC of CIN was significantly higher than that of  nonCIN at 12 hours after operation (P<0.01). The serum NGAL and CysC of CIN were significantly higher than those of nonCIN at 12 hours,24 hours,48 hours after operation(P<0.01). However, the  serum  SCr and CysC of CIN were not significantly higher than those of nonCIN at 6 hours after operation(P=0.46,P=0.67). The area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of NGAL,CysC and SCr were 0.81,0.75 and 0.57 at 6 hours after operation. The AUC of NGAL,CysC and SCr were 0.89,0.83 and 0.8 at 12 hours after operation. The AUC of NGAL,CysC and SCr were 0.88,0.86 and 0.85 at 24 hours after operation. The AUC of NGAL,CysC and SCr were 0.77,0.7 and 0.88 at 48 hours after operation.Conclusion   For patients with coronary heart disease after PCI, serum NGAL and CysC levels can early reflect the kidney function and give an early prediction of CIN.

Key words: nephrosis; contrast media; neutrophil gelationase associated lipocalin, cystatin C