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    20 April 2020, Volume 35 Issue 4
    Metaanalysis of clinical characteristics of novel coronavirus pneumonia
    Shang Weifenga, Li Weia, Zhou Dengfengb, Song Xiaohonga, Dong Junwua, Li Yuanyuanb
    2020, 35(4):  293-296.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2020.04.001
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    Objective  To explore the clinical features and prognosis of novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP). Methods  PubMed,  WANFANG,  and CNKI were searched to collect clinic trials involving clinical characteristics of NCP from inception to February 20,  2020. Results  A total of 5 crosssectional studies involving 436 patients were included. The metaanalysis showed that  common clinical characteristics were fever(0.89,95%CI0.80, 0.97),  cough (0.68,95%CI0.51, 0.85),  lymphopenia  (0.60,95%CI0.43, 0.77),  increased Creactive protein (CRP)(0.85,95%CI0.80, 0.90),  normal procalcitonin (PCT)(0.76,95%CI0.54, 0.99)  and bilateral chest CT involvement(0.88,95%CI0.79, 0.97). The case fatality rate was 9%. Conclusion  NCP mainly involves middleaged and elderly people,  with similar main clinical features and high  case fatality rate. However,  further exploration of large sample studies is still needed due to the limitation of the quality of included studies.
    Clinical characteristics of 472 cases of  novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan Jiangan Makeshift (Fangcang) Hospital
    Bai Min1a,2, Liu Xianqiang3, Wu Weiqiang1b,2, Sun Kai1c,2, Huang Xu1d,2, Jin Huaizong1e, 2
    2020, 35(4):  297-301.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2020.04.002
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    Objective  To analyze the clinical characteristics and outcome of coronavirus disease 2019(COVID19) in Wuhan Jiangan Makeshift (Fangcang) Hospital for reference in prevention and treatment of this disease. Methods  Retrospective analysis was conducted on the clinical data of 472 COVID19 patients admitted to Wuhan JiangAn Makeshift (Fangcang) Hospital from February 12 to March 8,  2020 to see whether there were differences among COVID19 patients,  discharged and transferred patients in terms of the age,  first clinical symptoms,  chest CT findings and complications. Results  Of 472 patients,  the ratio of males (215) to females (257) was 1∶1.2. The first clinical symptoms were mainly fever (75.4%),  dry cough (50.0%) and fatigue (20.1%). There were 87 patients (18.4%) with chronic basic diseases. A total of 37 (7.8%) patients with positive nucleic acid showed no clinical symptoms,  and two of them were transferred  for further treatment. Totally 31 patients(6.5%)  with positive nucleic acid had no abnormal chest CT findings and were discharged from the hospital. And 57 patients (12.1%) became sicker and were transferred for further treatment. No deaths were reported. There were statistically significant differences between the discharged and the transferred patients in fever,  dry cough,  chest tightness,  soreness,  diarrhea and chills(P<0.05). Among the patients having clinical symptoms with fever as the first symptom,  there were statistically significant differences in terms of low fever,  high fever and ultrahigh fever (P<0.05). There were statistically significant differences between discharged patients and transferred patients in terms of the diffuse distribution of chest CT lesions in both lungs,  the involvement of lesions in a single lobe,  multiple lesions,  single lesion and no abnormalities(P<0.05). Novel coronavirus specific antibodies (IgG,  IGM) were tested in 46 patients,  of which  eight cases were tested positive for IGM and IgG,  38 cases were tested negative for IGM and positive for IgG,  and 0 was tested negative for both antibodies. Conclusion  COVID19 highrisk population are mainly concentrated on old people with many basic diseases,  chest CT manifestations of diffuse lesions,  the first clinical symptoms with fever (especially high fever),  dry cough,  chest tightness,  body aches,  diarrhea and chills. And they are easy to progress to (critically) ill patients.
    Periodic changes of thinslice CT in 21 patients diagnosed with novel coronavirus infection by nucleic acid detection
    Li Ruoxu, Xing Weihong, Wu Yanhui, Ma Jianjun, Cui Shuyan, Niu Jinglian, Dong Chunjiao
    2020, 35(4):  302-306.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2020.04.003
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    Objective  Retrospective analysis was carried out on the complete imaging data of 21 cured and discharged patients diagnosed with novel coronavirus infection by nucleic acid to investigate the shortterm changes of HRCT images of novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP). Methods  According to the time of chest CT examination and the imaging changes,  the course of disease was divided into early stage,  peak stage and transitional stage.And HRCT findings of lung lesions at different stages were observed. Results  Totally 16 patients had positive changes in chest CT, and 5 patients had no positive findings. In the early stage (16 days,  an average of 3 days),  HRCT showed 23 groundglass opacities,  12 ground glass nodules,  1 consolidation nodule with “halo sign”; In the peak stage (511 days,  an average of 8 days),  HRCT showed 9 groundglass opacities,  17 groundglass and consolidation in combination,  6 groundglass opacities with “crazy paving sign”,  7 consolidation nodule with “halo sign”,  1 case with a small amount of pleural effusion. The number and range of lesions in peak period of critical cases were higher than that in normal cases  between two groups.Conclusion  HRCT examination can help  detect the early and subclinical NCP.Most patients were diagnosed as severe/critical two weeks after the disease,  and HRCT reexamination is suggestive for critically ill patients.
    Monocyte to highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol ratio can not predict  contrast  induced nephropathy in patients after PCI
    Li Sixue, Gu Guoqiang, Liu Demin, Wang Qian, Zhang Guangming, Cui Wei
    2020, 35(4):  307-311.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2020.04.004
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    Objective  To investigate the correlation between preoperative monocytes to highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol ratio(MHR) and contrast  induced nephropathy(CIN) after percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI),to find other possible risk factors for the occurrence of CIN, and to provide a new direction for screening CIN in highrisk groups as early as possible. Methods   Retrospective analysis was made on 1 087 patients with coronary heart disease  who were selected by 5P test and underwent PCI in the department of cardiology of our hospital. They were divided into CIN group and nonCIN group according to whether there was CIN after PCI. The related risk factors of CIN and the correlation between MHR and CIN were studied. Logistic regression analysis was applied to see whether MHR was a risk factor for CIN. Results  There were 57 patients in CIN group and 1 030 patients in nonCIN group. There were statistically significant differences in hyperlipidemia,  BMI, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), preoperative uric acid and preoperative Creactive protein levels between two groups(P<0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that LVEF and diabetes were correlated with the incidence of CIN. Conclusion  Different from the previous studies, MHR can not be considered as a risk factor for CIN, but LVEF may have higher predictive value for CIN.
    Relationship among  apolipoprotein A5,  apolipoprotein C3,   apolipoprotein A5/C3 ratio and coronary heart  disease
    Wu Meimei, Wang Hong, Xiao Shuang, Sun Xue, HanTingting
    2020, 35(4):  312-316.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2020.04.005
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    Objective  To study the effects of apolipoprotein A5(ApoA5), apolipoprotein C3(ApoC3) and apolipoprotein A5/C3(ApoA5/ApoC3) on the blood lipid level,  occurrence of coronary heart disease (CHD) and the number of CHD branch,  so as to prevent the occurrence and progress of CHD by adjusting the apolipoprotein level.Methods  The age, gender, body mass index(BMI) and smoking status of patients of CHD and nonCHD group  were counted, the total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride(TG), high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) levels of  two groups were measured.The serum levels of ApoA5 and ApoC3 were determined by enzymelinked immunosorbent assay(ELISA), respectively, and ApoA5/ApoC3 ratio was calculated.  Risk factors were stratified according to TG level, and the   differences in ApoA5,  ApoC3,  and ApoA5/ApoC3 ratio  among nonCHD group,  high TG group and normal TG group of CHD group  were compared. The correlations between serum ApoA5,  ApoC3,  ApoA5/ApoC3 ratio and the number of CHD branch and various indexes were studied.Results   There were  statistically significant differences in gender and TG level between two groups (P<0.01). ApoA5 and ApoA5/C3 ratio  of high TG group and normal TG group were obviously lower than those of  nonCHD group,  and the level of ApoC3 of  high TG group was significantly higher than that of nonCHD group (P<0.01).  ApoA5 and ApoA5/C3 ratio  of  high TG group were lower than those of normal TG group,  and ApoC3 of high TG group was significantly higher than that of  normal TG group (P<0.01). Multivariate binary Logistic regression analysis showed that TG was an independent risk factor for the reduction of ApoA5 and ApoA5/C3 levels(OR=0.039,95%CI[0.009,0.157],Wald 20.641, SE 0.716, P<0.01; OR=0.074,95%CI[0.023,0.134],Wald 19.650, SE 0.588, P<0.01),  TG was the independent protective factor for the rise of ApoC3 level(OR=9.084,95%CI[3.054,27.022],Wald 15.736, SE 0.556, P<0.01); Serum level of ApoA5 and ApoA5/C3 ratio  were negatively correlated with TG,  while the level of ApoC3  was positively correlated with TG. Conclusion  ①Serum ApoA5  level and ApoA5/ApoC3 ratio were negatively correlated with the CHD occurrence, while the level of ApoC3 was positively correlated with CHD occurrence.Serum ApoA5 and ApoC3 were  respectively protective factor  and risk factor for CHD. And ApoA5/ApoC3 ratio reflected the degree of coronary artery lesion to a certain extent and could be used as a basis for estimating the CHD severity. ②TG level was an independent risk factor for the decrease of serum ApoA5 level and ApoA5/ApoC3  ratio,  which was negatively correlated with serum ApoA5  level and  ApoA5/ApoC3 ratio. However,  TG level was a protective factor for the increase of ApoC3 level,  which was positively correlated with ApoC3 level.
    Shortterm efficacy  of ivabradine in patients with acute decompensated heart failure with reduced ejection fraction
    Pan Haiyan, Qian Jing, Pan Min, Yu Xiaohong
    2020, 35(4):  317-321.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2020.04.006
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    Objective  To observe the clinical efficacy and safety of ivabradine in patients with acute decompensated heart failure with reduced ejection fraction(ADHFrEF) on the basis of conventional drug therapy. Methods  Fifty patients with ADHFrEF were randomly devided in to control  group (group C) and observation group (group O). Group C was given routine antiheart failure treatment. Group O was treated with ivabradine 5 mg orally in addition to the routine anti  heart failure treatment. Ivabradine dose was adjusted according to the heart rate response. The heart rate(HR),  blood pressure,  cardiac function indexes,  plasma biochemical parameters,  average hospital stay,  major adverse cardiovascular events and side effects of these two groups were compared before and after treatment.Results  After treatment,  the average HR  and brain natriuretic peptide(BNP)  lvevel in two groups were significantly lower than those before treatment. The 6minute walking distance (6MD) and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) were significantly higher than those before treatment (both P<0.05). The left ventricular end diastolic diameter (LVEDD) and left  ventricular end systolic  diameter(LVESD) were smaller than those before treatment (both P<0.05). Compared to group C,  ivabradine could further slow HR,  and increase 6MD and LVEF (all P<0.05). Conclusion  On the basic of routine antiheart failure treatment ivabradine can further improve the cardiac function and improve the exercise tolerance of patients with ADHFrEF.
    Clinical analysis of treatment of trigeminal lesions after right coronary artery  with single stent by different methods
    Su Yongcai, Zhang Xiaole, Huang Zhifeng, Feng Xinwu
    2020, 35(4):  322-325.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2020.04.007
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    Objective  To compare the clinical efficacy and safety of treatment of trigeminal lesions after right coronary artery with single stent by different methods. Methods  Patients with coronary heart disease who underwent coronary angiography showing a right tricuspid trigeminal true bifurcation lesion and a singlebranch coronary artery lesion were selected.According to the steps of interventional surgery, the patients were divided into the balloon kissingdilation group (group A) and the nonballoon kissingdilation group (group B). Group A was further divided into two groups: group A1 and group A2. The incidence of interventional complications, Xray exposure time, the dosage of contrast medium, major adverse cardiac events and stent restenosis were observed 1 year after surgery. Results  Compared with group A1, the incidence of intraoperative complications such as slow blood flow, angina pectoris and coronary artery blood flow not reaching TIMI3 in angiography one year later in group A2 was lower (P<0.05). Compared with group B, group A had lower incidence of intraoperative complications such as slow blood flow, angina pectoris and coronary artery blood flow not reaching TIMI3 in angiography one year later(P<0.05). There was no significant difference in Xray exposure time and the dosage of contrast medium. Conclusion  In the treatment of right tricuspid trigeminal true bifurcation lesion with a singlebranch coronary artery lesion, the incidence of major clinical adverse cardiac events in one year after balloon dilatation was lower than that without balloon dilatation, and the incidence of complications and major adverse cardiac events in one year after poststent dilatation was lower than that in the prestent  balloon dilatation.
    Comparison of coronary artery lesions in the youth and elderly patients  with suspected coronary artery disease
    Zhang Qi, Li Hua, Yang Ying, Song Wanqing, Wei Jitao, Li Jingde
    2020, 35(4):  326-329.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2020.04.008
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    Objective  To investigate the features of coronary artery lesions in the youth and elderly patients with suspected coronary artery disease(CAD) using 256slice coronary computed tomography angiograph. Methods  A total of 972 patients with suspected  CAD  undergoing coronary computed tomography angiograph for coronary artery lesions were enrolled.  The patients were divided into youth group (age<60 years,  n=528) and elderly group(age≥60 years,  n=444),  the cardiovascular risk factors and features of coronary artery lesions of two groups were analyzed. Results  The youth group  were higher among gender,  body mass index (BMI),  smoking,  triglyceride than the elderly group; but the prevalence of hypertension was lower than the elderly group(P<0.05). The proportion of calcified plaques and mixed plaques were significantly higher in elderly group than youth group(all P<0.01).  Youth group were mainly singlevessel lesions with low calcification score,  while elderly group were mainly multivessel lesions with high calcification score. Logistic regression analysis indicated that the youthaged degree aggravating the independent risk factors of high coronary artery calcification score were smoking,  hypertension,  diabetes;  while the elderlyaged degree aggravating the independent risk factors of high coronary artery calcification score were diabetes and being male. Conclusion  The characteristics of coronary artery lesions in different age groups have their own clinical features.
    Clinical characteristics, electromyogram and muscle pathology of myotonic dystrophy
    Liu Lei1, Chen Yan1, Cao Bingzhen2, Lu Yongtao1, Hu Huaiqiang2, Zhao Xiumin1, Feng Xiaoya1, Ke Bingshen2, Huan Ying1
    2020, 35(4):  330-334.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2020.04.009
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    Objective  To study the clinical characteristics, electromyogram, muscle pathology and diagnostic methods of myotonic dystrophy (DM).Methods  This paper summarized the clinical characteristics, electromyogram and muscle pathology of 5 patients who were clinically diagnosed with myotonic dystrophy in hospital from 2008 to 2011.Results  Electromyogram and muscle pathology were performed in all 5 patients. Myogenic lesions and tonic potential were found in the electromyogram of 5 patients. The pathological findings of muscle pathology in 5 patients were consistent with the pathological manifestations of tonic muscle dystrophy. Conclusion  DM patients can be diagnosed according to their clinical characteristics, electromyogram examination and muscle pathology.
    Curative effect analysis of  endoscopic mucosal resection and endoscopic submucosal dissection in  treatment of colonic thickpedicled polyps
    Wang Xianling1, Qiu Zhenyu2, Zhao Zhifeng3
    2020, 35(4):  335-339.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2020.04.010
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    Objective  To compare the efficacy of endoscopic mucosal resection(EMR) and endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD) for the treatment of colonic thickpedicled polyps, to analyze the intraoperative and postoperative effects of these two methods in order to provide a reference for endoscopic diagnosis and treatment.Methods  A total of 100 patients were randomly divided into EMR group and ESD group, with 50 cases in each group. The relevant clinical data of two groups were collected, includingthe lesion size, bleeding risk, operation time, positive rate of pathological cutting margin and followup differences. Results  The duration of operation in ESD group was significantly longer than that in EMR group (P<0.05), and the incidence of intraoperative bleeding (13/50) in ESD group was significantly higher than that in EMR group (1/50).Conclusion  For colonic thickpedicled polyps with a diameter greater than 1.0 cm, both EMR and ESD are safe and effective therapies. And EMR group has certain advantages in ease of operation and bleeding rate.
    The predictive value of LDLC/HDLC in type 2 diabetes mellitus with coronary heart disease
    Liu Mingming, Li Xinyu
    2020, 35(4):  340-343.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2020.04.011
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    Objective  To investigate the correlation between blood lipids and the degree of coronary atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease. Methods  According to the status of coronary angiography,  a total of 286 patients with type 2 diabetes were divided into two groups: type 2 diabetes with coronary artery stenosis <50%(Group A),  and type 2 diabetes with coronary artery stenosis≥50% (Group B). General information and biochemical indicators between two groups were compared. Results  There was significant difference between two groups in the course of diabetes,  hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c),  lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol(LDLC),  highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC), and LDLC/HDLC(P<0.05). Logistic multivariate regression analysis showed that: LDLC/HDLC was an independent risk factor for coronary atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetes. The ROC curve results showed that the optimal critical point of LDLC/HDLC was 2.53,  at this time the sensitivity was 77.6%  and the specificity was 82.3%.Conclusion  LDLC/HDLC is better than LDLC and HDLC in predicting coronary artery disease in patients with type 2 diabetes.
    Clinical analysis of adjuvant therapy of bifidobacterium quadruple bacteria in hyperuricemia
    Zhan Yaping, Li Xian, Zhu Xiangshun, Wang Guofen, Tong Xiaojun
    2020, 35(4):  344-347.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2020.04.012
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    Objective  To investigate the characteristics of intestinal flora in hyperuricemia (HUA) patients, and to explore the effects of bifidobacterium quadruple bacteria on HUA and itsmicroflora changes.Methods  A total of 100 HUA patients were enrolled and randomly divided into experimental group (group A) and standard group (group B), with 50 cases in each group. And  50 healthy volunteers were selected as the control group (group C).The baseline characteristics of each group were similar. Group A and B were given febuxostat tablets as routine therapeutic strategies for 2 weeks, while group Bwas also given bifidobacterium quadruple bacteria tablets. The blood uric acid levels and faeces in each group were detected before and after treatment.Results  The contents of bifidobacterium,  lactobacillus and enterococcus faecalis in feces of HUA groups were remarkably lower than those in control group, while the escherichia coli levels were significantly higher(P<0.05).  The blooduric acid levels in both group A and B substantially decreased after treatment, and a greater decline was observed in group A (P<0.05).The amount of uric acid decomposed by bacteria in faeces of group A was statistically higher than that before treatment. There was statistically significant difference in the amount of uric acid between group A and B (P<0.05). The amounts of bifidobacterium, lactobacillus and enterococcus faecalis in faeces of group A were greatly higher than before. Compared with the amount of group B, there was statistically significant difference (P<0.05).Conclusion  The adjuvant therapy of bifidobacterium quadruple bacteria  for the treatment of HUA patients can significantly reduce blooduric acid level, which may be related to the enhancement of intestinal bacterial uric acid decomposition.
    Effects of cinaclcetcombined with calcitriol on secondary hyperparathyroidism inpatients  with maintenance hemodialysis
    Qi Xueting, Ma Zhigang, Lu Shouyan, Zhao Hui, Qian Rui, Huang Junyue
    2020, 35(4):  348-352.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2020.04.013
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    Objective  To study the effects of cinaclcet combined with  calcitriol on  secondary hyperparathyroidism(SHPT) in patients with maintenance hemodialysis(MHD).Methods  Totally 76 MHD patients with SHPT were included and randomly divided into two groups,  with 38 patients in each group.The control group was given cinaclcet,  while the observation group was given cinaclcet combined with calcitriol. Before and 6 months after treatment, the changes of bloodcalcium(Ca), phosphorus(P),  calciumphosphorus(Ca×P)  product,  intact parathyroid hormone(iPTH),  alkaline phosphatase(ALP), serum creatinine(SCr) and others indexes were measured.Results  After treatment, the levels of Ca, P, Ca×P product, iPTH and ALP significantly decreased in two groups(P<0.05).  And levels of P, Ca×P productand iPTH in observation group decreased  more significantly than those in control group (P<0.05).The total effective rate of observation group was higher than that of control group (P<0.05).Conclusion  Cinaclcet combined with calcitriol can effectively alleviate the abnormal calcium and phosphorus metabolism and reduce the level of iPTH in the treatment of MHD patients with SHPT.The therapy has obvious curative effect and high safety.
    Correlation between cognitive function, serum homocysteine and blood lipid levels in elderly patients with depression
    Zhu Juhonga, Li Feifeib, Yang Bina, Zhang Lana, Wang Huana, Fan A Jiaoa
    2020, 35(4):  353-356.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2020.04.014
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    Objective  To study the relationship between serum homocysteine(Hcy), blood lipid levels and cognitive function in elderly patients with depression. Methods  Sixty elderly patients with depression were selected as study group, and 60 healthy volunteers were selected as normal control group. The serum levels of homocysteine (Hcy), total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) and lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC) were measured in two groups. Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) was used to assess the severity of the disease, and Montreal Cognitive Assessment Scale (MoCA) was used to assess the cognitive function of the patients. Results  Compared with the normal control group, the MOCA score of  study group was significantly lower than that of  control group (P<0.05), the serum Hcy was significantly higher than that of  control group (P<0.05), and the serum HDLC level was significantly lower than that of  control group (P<0.05).The correlation analysis showed that the degree of cognitive impairment was positively correlated with the severity of the disease in study group(r=0.327, P<0.01). The three dimensions of attention and concentration, memory, executive function scores and  serum Hcy levels were negatively correlated in cognitive function assessment(r=-0.402,P=0.01). There was positive correlation between the executive function score and HDLC level(r=0.562,P=0.008). Conclusion  Cognitive impairment of the elderly patients with depression is related to high levels of Hcy and low levels of HDLC in serum. High levels of Hcy and low levels of HDLC in serum may be the risk factors for elderly patients with depression.
    Impact of interactive singing performance on depression, psychobehavioral symptoms and rate of participation in exercise training in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease
    Chen Mei1, Fu Conghui1, Shen Zhiqiang1, Xu Ying1, Jia Jie2, Wu Yi2
    2020, 35(4):  357-361.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2020.04.015
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    Objective  To observe the effects of interactive singing performance on depression, psychobehavioral symptoms and rate of participation in exercise training in patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease (AD). Methods  Sixtythree patients with AD who met the inclusion criteria ≥60 years old were randomly divided into study group (31 cases) and control group (32 cases). All patients received routine drug therapy and regular exercise training. The control group received passive music therapy. The study group received active music therapy mainly based on interactive singing. Both groups were trained for 1 time/d, 1 hour each time, 5 days per week, and the intervention continued for 6 months. The score of Cornell Dementia Depression Scale (CSDD), Alzheimer's Disease Pathological Behavior (BEHAVEAD) and the participation rate were assessed before treatment, 1 month, 3 months after treatment and 6 months after treatment, respectively. Results  After 1 month and 3 months of treatment, the CSDD scores in study group were lower than those before treatment(P<0.05). After 6 months of treatment, the CSDD scores in study group were significantly lower than those before treatment, 1 month and 3 months after treatment (P<0.05), and the difference had statistic significance compared with the control group (P<0.05). After 1 month and 3 months of treatment, the BEHAVEAD scores in  study group were lower than those before treatment (P<0.05). After 6 months of treatment, the BEHAVEAD scores in study group were significantly lower than those before treatment, 1 month after treatment and 3 months after treatment (P<0.05), and the difference showed significance between two groups (P<0.05). After 6 months of treatment, there was significant difference between two groups in terms of the participation rate of exercise training (P<0.05). Conclusion  Interactive singing performance may have positive effect on improving depression and psychobehavioral symptoms in patients with mild to moderate AD, and may have more positive effect on improving participants' participation in exercise training.
    A metaanalysis of 30 cases of colchicine poisoning
    Du Zhongcai1, Liu Yu2, Zhou Xinbei2, Zhao Wanjun2, Su Yuan2
    2020, 35(4):  362-368.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2020.04.016
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    Objective  To investigate the clinical characteristics,  treatment and prognosis of colchicine poisoning,  and to raise the clinically awareness and attention of colchicine poisoning.Methods  Totally 21 literature about colchicine poisoning in recent years (20032019)were reviewed,  and 29  cases of colchicine poisoning combined with one case admitted to the hospital recently were enrolled. Results  Colchicine poisoning was found in 16 males (53.3%) and 14 females (46.7%). A total of 19 suicides (63.3%) were caused by colchicine poisoning,  and 11 patients with poisoning (36.7%) were treated with longterm medication for gout. Totally 26 patients (86.7%) showed gastrointestinal symptoms in the first stage; 21 patients (70%) showed myelosuppression and multiple organ dysfunctions in the second stage;19 patients (63.3%) got better after dangerous period.The checking results showed that the blood routine,  blood coagulation routine,  liver function and kidney function were abnormal in 26 patients (86.7%). After active symptomatic supportive treatment,  19 cases (63.3%) recovered completely and 11 cases (36.7%) died.Conclusion  If the drug dosage is not suitable,  serious poisoning reaction or even death will occur, and some people also choose oral colchicine to commit suicide.
    Ultrasoundguided thrombin injection for the treatment of femoral artery  pseudoaneurysm: 3  cases report  and literature review
    Zhang Kun, Wang Xiaodong, Wang Wei,Li Yuming
    2020, 35(4):  366-368.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2020.04.017
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    Femoral artery pseudoaneurysm (PSA) is a common vascular complication associated with cardiac catheterization procedures. At present,  ultrasoundguided thrombin injection (UGTI) is widely used in firstline therapy because of its safety and effectiveness. In this paper,  three cases of PSA patients recently treated with UGTI  in our department were reported and the related literatures were reviewed.