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  1. 北京协和医院 重症医学科, 北京 100730
  • 出版日期:2019-07-20 发布日期:2019-08-24
  • 通讯作者: 王小亭,Email: icuting@163.com
  • 作者简介:王小亭,教授,主任医师,重症医学博士,硕士研究生导师。北京协和医院重症医学科副主任、帅府ICU主任,中华医学会重症分会青委副主任委员,北京重症超声研究会会长,北京协和医院科研委员会委员,中华医学会5C培训师,中国重症超声研究组(CCUSG)常务组长。中国冷静治疗研究组发起人之一,中国医师协会心脏重症全国委员,北京心脏重症常委,中国医师协会神经重症委员会全国委员,海峡两岸医药学会心脏重症委员会全国常委。共同主编著作《重症超声》,主编助理《临床血流动力学》,并参编其他多部著作。

Critical renal ultrasound: evaluation of renal hemodynamics

  1. Department of Critical Care Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital,  Beijing 100730 China
  • Online:2019-07-20 Published:2019-08-24
  • Contact: Corresponding author: Wang Xiaoting, Email: icuting@163.com

摘要: 器官的血流动力学评估逐渐成为热门话题。肾脏作为最易受休克影响的器官之一,其血流动力学评估也备受重视。重症超声由于具有动态、实时、可重复的特点,能兼顾结构与血流灌注的结合,更是为重症患者的器官血流动力学评估提供了新的理念和方法。本文重点阐述重症超声在肾脏血流动力学评估中的应用及意义,主要包括脉冲多普勒肾血管阻力指数测定、彩色多普勒血流显像结合彩色血流定量技术和超声造影成像等内容。

关键词: 危重病人医疗, 超声检查, 肾脏, 血流动力学

Abstract: In  recent years,  the evaluation of organ hemodynamics has gradually become a hot topic. As one of the most vulnerable organs to shock,  the hemodynamic evaluation of kidney has been paid more and more attention. Because of its dynamic,  realtime and repeatable characteristics,  critical ultrasound can take into account of structure and perfusion,  and it provide a new concept and method for the evaluation of organ hemodynamics in critically ill patients. This paper focuses on the application and significance of critical ultrasound in renal hemodynamic evaluation,  including pulse Doppler renal resistance index,  color Doppler flow imaging combined with color flow quantitative technique and contrastenhanced ultrasound and other content.

Key words: critical care, ultrasonography, kidney, hemodynamics