临床荟萃 ›› 2021, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (9): 824-827.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2021.09.012

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刘芮汐, 易岂建()   

  1. 重庆医科大学附属儿童医院心血管内科; 儿童发育疾病研究教育部重点实验室;国家儿童健康与疾病临床医学研究中心;儿童发育重大疾病国家国际科技合作基地,重庆 400014
  • 收稿日期:2021-07-12 出版日期:2021-09-20 发布日期:2021-10-05
  • 通讯作者: 易岂建 E-mail:qjyi2003@hotmail.com
  • 基金资助:

Value of platelet volume and platelet distribution width in children Kawasaki disease

Liu Ruixi, Yi Qijian()   

  1. Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Children Development and Disorders, National Clinical Research Center for Child Health, China International Science and Technology Cooperation Base of Child Development and Critical Disorders, Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 400014, China
  • Received:2021-07-12 Online:2021-09-20 Published:2021-10-05
  • Contact: Yi Qijian E-mail:qjyi2003@hotmail.com


目的 平均血小板体积(MPV)与血小板分布宽度(PDW)与血小板功能有关,相比血小板数量可能更能成为血小板功能异常的敏感指标。研究血小板参数在川崎病中的变化及临床意义。方法 本研究共回顾性分析439例KD患儿和261例健康对照儿童;统计分析患儿的临床资料及实验室检查MPV、PDW、血小板数量(PLT)、WBC、CRP和血沉指标。根据心脏彩色超声有无冠状动脉损伤,将川崎病患儿分为:伴冠状动脉损伤组(CALs组)、不伴冠状动脉损伤组(非CALs组)。同时,比较了完全性川崎病组(cKD)与不完全川崎病组(iKD)各指标的差异。结果 与健康对照组比较,KD组WBC、PLT、CRP和ESR水平显著升高(P<0.01),而MPV与PDW明显下降(P<0.01,<0.05);尤其相比于cKD组,MPV与PDW水平在iKD组明显降低(P=0.003、0.014)。结论 提示川崎病患儿急性期MPV与PDW降低,尤其在不完全川崎病降低显著,故低水平的MPV与PDW可能对iKD的诊断有提示意义。

关键词: 黏膜皮肤淋巴结综合征, 平均血小板体积, 超声检查, 多普勒, 彩色


Objective Mean platelet volume(MPV) and platelet distribution width(PDW) are related with platelet function, which may be more sensitive indicators of abnormal platelet function compared with the number of platelets(PLT). the article aims to study the changes and clinical significance of platelet parameters in Kawasaki disease(KD). Methods MPV, PDW, PLT, white blood cell(WBC), C-reactive protein(CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR) were counted and analyzed from 439 KD patients and 261 healthy children, retrospectively. KD patients were divided into two groups depending on the complex degree of coronary arterial lesions (CAL): coronary artery injury group (CALs group), no coronary artery injury group (no-CALs group). On the other hand, and the difference of complete Kawasaki disease(cKD) and incomplete Kawasaki disease(iKD) were compared. Results Compared with healthy controls, WBC, PLT, CRP and ESR in KD children significantly increased (P<0.01), while MPV and PDW significantly decreased (P<0.01, P<0.05). Compared with cKD patients, MPV and PDW in iKD patients were significantly lower (P=0.003, 0.014). Conclusion This study suggested that MPV and PDW were reduced in acute-phase, especially in iKD. Therefore, low-levels of MPV and PDW may be helpful for the diagnosis of iKD.

Key words: mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome, mean platelet volume, ultrasonography, Doppler, color
