Clinical Focus ›› 2025, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 54-59.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-583X.2025.01.008

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Application value of right heart ultrasound combined with renal vascular doppler score in patients with end-stage renal disease during dialysis

Liu Yia, Zhao Haotiana, Wang Xiaonaa, Liu Yuanlina, Li Lia(), Wang Zekaib   

  1. a. Department of Ultrasound; b. Department of Nephrology, Hebei General Hospital,Shijiazhuang 050000,China
  • Received:2024-10-12 Online:2025-01-20 Published:2025-01-17
  • Contact: Li Li,Email:


Objective To explore the value of right heart ultrasound index combined with renal vascular doppler score (RVDS) in evaluating the need for re-dialysis in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Methods According to the need for re-dialysis, 46 patients diagnosed as ESRD during dialysis were divided into the dialysis and control groups. Right heart ultrasound index was recorded by bedside ultrasonography, and the RVDS of bilateral kidneys was recorded. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were plotted to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of each parameter. The correlation of RVDS with glomerular filtration rate and creatinine was analyzed. Results Compared with the control group, ESRD patients in the dialysis group had significantly higher right ventricular diameter (RVD), maximum tricuspid regurgitation velocity, pulmonary arterial systolic pressure, interventricular septal eccentricity index, and lower tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE), maximum velocity of tricuspid annulus contraction (S’), right-side RVDS (R-RVDS) and left-side RVDS (L-RVDS)(P<0.05). The area under the curve (AUC) of RVD, interventricular septal eccentricity index, TAPSE, S’, maximum tricuspid regurgitation velocity, pulmonary arterial systolic pressure and R-RVDS was 0.765, 0.750, 0.770, 0.780, 0.707, 0.723 and 0.682, respectively. TAPSE combined with R-RVDS had a sensitivity of 92.0%, specificity of 76.2% and AUC value of 0.850. Correlation analysis showed that R-RVDS and L-RVDS were positively correlated with glomerular filtration rate (r=0.514 and 0.544, respectively), but negatively correlated with creatinine (r=-0.337 and -0.484, respectively). Conclusion Right heart ultrasound index combined with renal vascular doppler score has higher evaluation and predictive value for patients who need re-dialysis with end-stage renal disease.

Key words: kidney failure, chronic, ultrasonography, doppler, renal dialysis, renal vascular, right heart function

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