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Reassessment of cardiotonic drugs in heart failure


  1. Department of Cardiology, General Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin  300052,China
  • Online:2017-03-05 Published:2017-03-06
  • Contact: Corresponding author:Sun Yuemin,Email:

Abstract: Cardiotonic drugs are divided into two categories of digitalis and nondigitalis drugs. Cardiotonic drugs have been used as the first choice drugs in the treatment of heart failure for more than 200 years. However, their evidence for longterm prognosis is not sufficient. Many clinical trials and post hoc analysis of the longterm efficacy of cardiotonic drugs to evaluate, the results are controversial. Due to the lack of evidencebased support, cardiotonic drugs have been used as the final choice in the treatment of heart failure.

Key words: cardiotonic drugs, digoxin, digitalis, heart failure, guidebooks